Thank You for Caring about "Missing Persons"

Home Page What to do if someone goes MISSING? Missing Faces 2 Missing Faces Signing Guest Book

What this site is for...

Thank you for stopping by and visiting this site.  I hope that you will find it informative and helpful.

I would like to think that maybe it will tug at your heartstrings just a little, so that the next time you walk through Wal-Mart, or anyother store that posts the faces of the MISSING, you will stop and look.  Look into those eyes that long to see their toys, their rooms, their homes.

YOU can make a difference.....   It takes a village to raise a child.....  We ALL need to help each other.

I know if YOUR child were missing, I would help you search......  won't you help us?  When you leave this site, please take a moment and forward it to all of your friends; ask that they do the same....   the internet is such a great way to communicate.

The following pages will have information as to what to do should you go through the disappearance of a LOVED ONE; a child ~ young or old, a parent, sister, brother, friend.
There will be photo's of those that are MISSING; Remember ~  Everyone is Someone's ......  CHILD   !!!
Also, a guestbook, so please leave thoughts and comments....  they are always welcome.
And more.

Thank You once again for visiting this site.

Please stay a while and look at all of the faces of the missing.  Know that many are missing them RIGHT NOW as you read about them.


  • Beverly disappeared on October 17, 2003
  • She is MISSING from Belle Fourche, South Dakota
  • If you have any information about Beverly's where abouts PLEASE call 618-632-1959

To the right is a photo of Joseph David Wolfgang Pichler.  Joe has been missing since 1/5/06 from Bremerton, WA.  Please visit his website at: .